This offer ends on

00- DAYS -
00- HOURS -

At Midnight EST on
January 28th, 2023...

Every Revealed Films Docuseries EVER MADE will be sealed in our high-security vault, never again to see the light of day.

If you want to take control of your health and financial destiny in 2023, the clock is ticking:

At Midnight EST on January 28th, 2023…

Every Revealed Films Docuseries EVER MADE will be sealed in our high-security vault, never again to see the light of day.

Dear Reader...

On this page is an offer so good it only happens once in a lifetime.

This is it.

Your chance to cash in on our good-news sale and make out like a bandit before we take down the balloons, sweep up the party poppers, and take the empty champagne bottles down to the recycling station.

Yep - here at Revealed Films, we’re officially in 🥳PARTY MODE!!! 🥳🎈🎈🎈

We’ve Just Teamed up With Futurist, New York Times Bestselling Author, and Entrepreneur Roger James Hamilton.

Roger is an expert at helping small teams like us to spread their message and thrive.

We are SO excited to have him on the team.

Roger’s 100% on board with our mission to bring you the life-transforming, life-saving information you won’t find anywhere else.

His knowledge, compassion, and wisdom are going to be critical as we enter a dark period for humanity.

This Is a Real-Life Sliding Doors Moment for Revealed Films… And for You, Too.

We are endlessly proud of the work we’ve done so far, and the lives we’ve impacted.

But in every life, the time comes for a new beginning.

From now on, we will stop promoting the incredibly popular docuseries we’ve already made.

This time has come to focus all our attention on new projects.

What This Means for You…

Before we lock these series inside our private vault forever…

You can get 5 Revealed Films docuseries, plus $11,813 in bonuses, for the crazy low price of $197.

None of these series are available to buy anywhere else, at any price.

You Can Only Get Them Here, on This Page, Until Midnight Est on January 28th, 2023

As you know…

Most Revealed Films Docuseries are ONLY available during the live viewing period (2 short weeks)...

And then they’re gone… for good.

This is because most of the content in our series is HIGHLY sensitive…

And practically forbidden on most mainstream media platforms.

(Let me put it this way… You’ll never see any of these interviews on Netflix or Amazon…)

But as we continue to celebrate our good news…

You Can Only Get Them Here, on This Page, Until Midnight Est on January 28th, 2023

At that point…Every Revealed Films docu-series ever made will be locked away in our high-security vault forever.

This is as good as it gets.

Here are all the groundbreaking series you have available to you with the ‘Health for Life’ Gold Package…



$397 value

In recent years, we've seen an epidemic of autoimmune diseases like never before in human history.

Diabetes, Celiac disease and non-Celiac gluten intolerance, Crohn's disease, asthma, MS, Lupus, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

In GMOs Revealed, you'll discover the root cause of chronic disease in our culture—and how you can remove the threat, reverse the damage, and restore health—for yourself and your family.

*Includes ALL 10 episodes, BONUS FOOTAGE videos, audios, transcripts, and $hundreds in free bonuses!



$397 value

The greatest trick the government ever played was to convince everyday, upstanding folk everywhere that psychedelics were somehow bad or wrong.

If you’re ready to break free of the ‘psy-op’ they’ve been running to keep you obedient, welcome to your best exit strategy.

This series contains little-known, powerful secrets from the world’s leading experts about psychedelics and their powerful impact on your mental health.

Discover the massive impact these substances can have on our culture, remove the stigma, and see how powerful this healing movement is.

*Includes ALL 10 episodes, BONUS FOOTAGE videos, audios, transcripts, and $hundreds in free bonuses!



$397 value

The FIRST and ONLY Documentary Series to give you the latest scientifically-proven cancer prevention methods and treatments.

*Includes ALL 10 episodes, BONUS FOOTAGE videos, audios, transcripts, and $hundreds in free bonuses!



68% OFF

Pain Revealed brings alternative, natural, and safe remedies to naturally eliminate pain. Discover all the treatments and science that are currently being held back from the public.

*Includes ALL 10 episodes, BONUS FOOTAGE videos, audios, transcripts, and $hundreds in free bonuses!

The Highest Quality FREE Bonuses… Lasting Control Of Your Health On A Physical, Spiritual, And Emotional Level.

When it comes to truly lasting health…

Nothing packs more of a punch than psychedelics and breathwork combined.

Psychedelics are the painless, spiritually aligned way to release buried trauma - which we all have - that leads to anxiety, depression, and even illnesses like cancer.

Breathwork, when done right, can make you feel so charged with life and love it’s like you’re “embracing your own soul”.

Combine these two life-saving practices with the incredible range of elite supplements we’ve included in your package and watch your vitality, strength, and joy come rushing back.

Here are your exclusive bonuses:

  • Bonus 1: Complete 10th episode for each docuseries ($116 value)
  • Bonus 2: Secret unaired 11th episode for each docuseries ($116 value)
  • Bonus 3: Transcripts for ALL episodes 1 to 9 ($Priceless - not for sale)
  • Bonus 4: Episode 1 to 9 Audios for each docuseries ($Priceless - not for sale)
  • Bonus 5: Psychedelic Integration Workbook, “The Condor Approach Express” ($249 value)
  • Bonus 6: Shawn Wells “The Master Formulator Psychedelics Supplement And Nutrition Guide” ($197 retail value)
  • Bonus 7: Beginners Course To Psychedelics - video, audio and guide ($497 value)
  • Bonus 8: Advanced Psychedelics Course (video, audio and guide) ($497 value)
  • Bonus 9: Dr. Andrew Wells Breathwork Masterclass - digital download - ($77 retail value)
  • Bonus 10: Compendium of eight of Jeff Hays’ personal psychedelic journeys ($priceless, not available anywhere else at any price)
  • Bonus 11: Dr Dan Engle Integrating Your Awakening - A Roadmap ($27 value)

Total value: $1,795

FREE with your gold ‘health for life’ package

We’re not done yet!...

These Elite Supplements Will Supercharge Your Health From Day One…

With Elite Supplements from True Cellular Formula AND Upgraded Formulas ($225 value)

TCF - CytoD+K2

60 vegetarian capsules

$40.00 value

Did you know?

87% of adults in the U.S. have dangerously low Vitamin D levels, but Vitamin D is non-negotiable for a healthy, strong immune system to avoid illness.

But the more Vitamin D you have, the more Vitamin K you need too.

Vitamin K is found in leafy green vegetables like Kale.

This dietary superhero improves bone density (critical as we age), helps to reverse heart disease, and can even stop blood supply to some cancerous tumors. Vitamin D and K combined can help to skyrocket your health.

These daily, nutrient-dense vegetable capsules give you a safe, super-strength dose of these 2 essential vitamins to keep your health tank full each day.

TCF TrueCarbonCleanse™ Gut Detoxifier

60 vegetarian capsules

$59.00 value

This is shocking…

If you’re anything like the average person, you’re exposed to more than 700,000 toxic chemicals a day. Many of those toxic health-destroyers end up in your gut, where they have devastating consequences…

Including diabetes, obesity, allergies, stomach disorders, and more.

TrueCarbonCleanse (gluten free, non-gmo) contains specialized highly activated carbon that can eliminate toxins more effectively than any formula ever created.

So you can rest assured…

All those toxic toxins are being flushed right back out of your body, leaving you a clear road back to lasting health.

True Cellular Formulas Zinc7

60 capsules

$69.00 value

Zinc is one of THE most important critical nutrients for a long and healthy life.

Luckily, these high dose capsules give you ALL the zinc your body craves in seconds a day so you can:

  • Turbocharge your immunity (stops you getting ill)
  • Help you fall quickly into a deep, restful sleep and wake up refreshed
  • Lose weight faster while eating the same amount of calories
  • Boost hormone health, sex drive, and performance (both men and women!)
  • Protect your liver against carcinogens and toxins that cause “fatty liver” disease
  • Stop gum bleeds and tooth decay, and even keep teeth whiter!

Nothing could be easier than 1 capsule a day for all 6 of these health benefits

Upgraded Formulas® - Mag10

60 capsules

$63.00 value

Do you want to sleep like a log all night and wake up the next day supercharged with energy?...

Then Magnesium is your essential go-to mineral.

Without enough magnesium, your memory gets slowly worse, your brain fogs, and you feel like you never fall into a truly deep and restful sleep.

Upgraded Magnesium to the rescue!

This turbocharged, 100% natural formula is packed with nano minerals to aid absorption and give you instant relief so you can enjoy being alert, energized, and focused.

Total Supplements Value: $225

Total value of all ‘Health For Life’ bonuses: $2,020

Total value of your ‘Health For Life’ package including all episodes: $3,608

Moving Swiftly On…

The ‘Wealth Legacy’ Gold Bundle Gives You Lifetime Access To These 5 Groundbreaking Series…

Money 22

Money 22

$397 value

The next 12-24 months are going to crush most people’s savings out of existence and leave them hurting.

But for those who know what’s really going on behind the scenes…

New opportunities are on the horizon.

We’ve tracked down 36 self-made money experts.

They spill ALL the prized secrets on exactly what the rich are doing right now.

You won’t find this lineup and these insider secrets anywhere else.

Even if you’re down in the dumps at your lowest of lows, Money 2022 gives you everything you need to gain clarity on your money and where it can take you.

Imagine your life in 6 months.

Where do you want to be?

If you’re ready to get there, your essential first step is to unlock the secrets in this shocking docuseries the elites don’t want you to see.

*Includes ALL 10 episodes, BONUS FOOTAGE videos, audios, transcripts, and $hundreds in free bonuses!

Crypto Revealed

Crypto Revealed

$397 value

The way to profit safely with crypto. There’s so much buzz and so much hype.

Don’t get caught up in it.

Finally, in one place, from experts around the world, you can get the truth about which cryptos are going to be around FOREVER…and…

Quickly see how to avoid the fads, scams, and all the other traps lying in wait for you.

*Includes ALL 10 episodes, BONUS FOOTAGE videos, audios, transcripts, and $hundreds in free bonuses!

Hacking Real Estate

Hacking Real Estate

68% OFF

For first-time and experienced real estate investors looking to go farther, faster, and with fewer mistakes.

Access ALL of the secrets of the smartest and wealthiest real estate investors right now.

*Includes ALL 10 episodes, BONUS FOOTAGE videos, audios, transcripts, and $hundreds in free bonuses!

Crisis Investing

Crisis Investing

68% OFF

The crisis is here already…

Discover how the rich get richer even during troubling times.

Find out how to make your money work for you with this Secret Playbook for the exact market and economic conditions we are going to experience in 2023 and beyond.

*Includes ALL 10 episodes, BONUS FOOTAGE videos, audios, transcripts, and $hundreds in free bonuses!

Paycheck Solution

Paycheck Solution

68% OFF

Stop making your boss rich and start investing in the one person who matters most… YOU.

Paycheck Solution gives you hundreds of credible, vetted, and smart ideas all in one place.

And when you find “your one idea...” that’s when the magic happens.

In Paycheck Solution…

You will get special access to programs no one else will have access to, so you can achieve financial freedom, retire early, and create a lasting legacy of wealth to safeguard future generations.

*Includes ALL 10 episodes, BONUS FOOTAGE videos, audios, transcripts, and $hundreds in free bonuses!

PLUS… We’ve Opened Our “Wealth Bonus Vault” To Help You Increase Your Net Worth As Fast As Possible In 2023.

There’s no doubt about it…

‍Money comes more easily when you have the accountability, support and guidance that gives you the confidence to take action and win.

Keep reading, and you’ll see why when it comes to increasing your wealth, we just took away all your excuses.

Here are your exclusive bonuses:

  • Bonus 1: Complete 10th episode for each docuseries ($116 value)
  • Bonus 2: Secret unaired 11th episode for each docuseries ($116 value)
  • Bonus 3: Transcripts for ALL episodes 1 to 9 ($Priceless - not for sale)
  • Bonus 4: Episode 1 to 9 Audios for each docuseries ($Priceless - not for sale)
  • Bonus 5: Financial Bug Out Bag ($2,624 value)
  • Bonus 6: Inflation Report and Silver “Mercury Dime” ($27 value)
  • Bonus 7: GII bundle ($574 value)
  • Bonus 8: Wealth Dynamics Entrepreneur Profile Test ($99 value)
  • Bonus 9: How to Invest in Real Estate Using Other People’s Money ($200 value)
  • Bonus 10: Two Months’ Free Subscription to TheCryptoCapitalistTM Newsletter PLUS Bitcoin Guide ($299 value)
  • Bonus 11: How the Rich Invest with No Money Online Training ($299 value)
  • Bonus 12: The Ultimate Guide to Automated Crypto Trading ($279 value)
  • Bonus 13: Discover Exactly What THEY Invest In, Profitably ($89 value)
  • Bonus 14: WealthAbility Crypto Tax Guide ($89 value)
  • Bonus 15: The Prime Customer Journey ($2,000 value)
  • Bonus 16: 15-MINUTE STRATEGY CALL with Christopher Smith ($250 value)
  • Bonus 17: A 72-Hour Free Trial To The Wealth Academy ($1,497 value)
  • Bonus 18: The Real Deal Formula Financial Assessment ($97 value)
  • Bonus 19: LIVE GROUP Q&A CALL & Real Estate Jump-Starter Package ($165 value)

Total value of all ‘Wealth Legacy’ bonuses: $8,820

Total value of the ‘Wealth Legacy’ package including all episodes: $10,805

FREE with your gold ‘wealth for life’ package

We’re not done yet!...

These Elite Supplements Will Supercharge Your Health From Day One…

With Elite Supplements from True Cellular Formula AND Upgraded Formulas ($225 value)

TCF - CytoD+K2

60 vegetarian capsules

$40.00 value

Did you know?

87% of adults in the U.S. have dangerously low Vitamin D levels, but Vitamin D is non-negotiable for a healthy, strong immune system to avoid illness.

But the more Vitamin D you have, the more Vitamin K you need too.

Vitamin K is found in leafy green vegetables like Kale.

This dietary superhero improves bone density (critical as we age), helps to reverse heart disease, and can even stop blood supply to some cancerous tumors. Vitamin D and K combined can help to skyrocket your health.

These daily, nutrient-dense vegetable capsules give you a safe, super-strength dose of these 2 essential vitamins to keep your health tank full each day.

TCF TrueCarbonCleanse™ Gut Detoxifier

60 vegetarian capsules

$59.00 value

This is shocking…

If you’re anything like the average person, you’re exposed to more than 700,000 toxic chemicals a day. Many of those toxic health-destroyers end up in your gut, where they have devastating consequences…

Including diabetes, obesity, allergies, stomach disorders, and more.

TrueCarbonCleanse (gluten free, non-gmo) contains specialized highly activated carbon that can eliminate toxins more effectively than any formula ever created.

So you can rest assured…

All those toxic toxins are being flushed right back out of your body, leaving you a clear road back to lasting health.

True Cellular Formulas Zinc7

60 capsules

$69.00 value

Zinc is one of THE most important critical nutrients for a long and healthy life.

Luckily, these high dose capsules give you ALL the zinc your body craves in seconds a day so you can:

  • Turbocharge your immunity (stops you getting ill)
  • Help you fall quickly into a deep, restful sleep and wake up refreshed
  • Lose weight faster while eating the same amount of calories
  • Boost hormone health, sex drive, and performance (both men and women!)
  • Protect your liver against carcinogens and toxins that cause “fatty liver” disease
  • Stop gum bleeds and tooth decay, and even keep teeth whiter!

Nothing could be easier than 1 capsule a day for all 6 of these health benefits

Upgraded Formulas® - Upgraded Mag10

60 capsules

$63.00 value

Do you want to sleep like a log all night and wake up the next day supercharged with energy?...

Then Magnesium is your essential go-to mineral.

Without enough magnesium, your memory gets slowly worse, your brain fogs, and you feel like you never fall into a truly deep and restful sleep.

Upgraded Magnesium to the rescue!

This turbocharged, 100% natural formula is packed with nano minerals to aid absorption and give you instant relief so you can enjoy being alert, energized, and focused.

Total Supplements Value: $225

Get Your Bundle For 98% Off…

A Shockingly Low $39 Per Series Including Bonuses!

*When you choose the Wealth Legacy Package

  • Stock up on this life-saving information before it’s gone forever
  • Protect the future health and financial security of your family
  • Immunize yourself and your family from ‘black hat’ governments, international agencies, and their plans to remove your health, wealth, and freedom
  • Get access to the best freedom-oriented information that can’t be found ANYWHERE else…
  • Your LAST ever chance to own this potentially life-changing, life-saving information.

Take Your Pick:

Health for Life


Gold Package

  • GMO’s Revealed ($397 value)
  • Psychedelics Revealed ($397 value)
  • Answer to Cancer ($397 value)
  • Pain Revealed ($397 value)
  • Supplements ($225 value)
You Pay $197

Wealth Legacy


Gold Package

  • Money 22 ($397 value)
  • Crypto Revealed ($397 value)
  • Hacking Real Estate ($397 value)
  • Crisis Investing ($397 value)
  • Paycheck Solution ($397 value)
  • Supplements ($225 value)
You Pay $197

We've held nothing back...

This is your single best shot to achieve escape velocity and break free of the system keeping you trapped.

Expert interviews from the frontlines of the war on health, freedom, and finance.

$13,798* Worth of Cold, Hard Truth.

*Average of the two packages including bonuses. The financial package has even more expensive bonuses.

The Health and Money Matrix Wants You Fat, Poor, and If You’re Not Careful… Dead.

This is your red-pill moment.

There’s a reason we are giving you a choice between the health and money package, and not one of the many other packages we could have chosen.

Inflation is out of control…

Money printing has pushed governments into a level of debt they can never repay…

Doctors are threatened with losing their license to practice simply for speaking the truth…

Big media is ignoring the wave of deaths among our young people, while insurance statistics clearly suggest something terrible and tragic is happening…

While websites like goodsciencing show 1653 athlete cardiac arrests or serious issues, 1148 of them dead, since the covid injection (compared to a yearly average of 29 before the jab).

Elon Musk’s Twitter dumps prove that Big Tech has been taking their orders from the government, intelligence agencies, and Big Pharma.


Do you want to rely on the corporate media or, ahem, “fact checkers” (who, strangely, are also funded by Big Tech)? Or do you prefer to own the cold, hard truth that will set you free and save your family?

Things Are About to Get Messy…

And The Current Recession Is Only The Start…

If you know anything about shadowy organizations like Davos or the World Economic Forum, you’ll understand we are dealing with a real-life James Bond villain.

His name is Klaus Schwab.

Klaus appears to train young politicians to infiltrate their own governments to push his agenda…

Even leaders like Justin Trudeau and Vladimir Putin were members of his ‘young leaders’ group…

Klaus Wants You, Me, and Everybody to ‘Own Nothing and Be Happy’.


Dear old Klaus is the only guy on earth who’s managed to make being happy sound like a threat …

But then, we are talking about a man who never, ever smiles, apart from…

That’s right…

Klaus DOES smile… sometimes… apparently when hearing about poor people dying…

The same people he’s hoping to MAKE poor (perhaps by derailing global economies?)

One thing’s for sure:

Dear old Klaus is not going to bother consulting you or me on his plans for us to ‘own nothing and be happy’.

Here at Revealed Films…

We’d Prefer You to Create a Legacy of Wealth for You and Your Family to Own and Enjoy.

And of Course, That Goes Double Or Triple for Your Health… The Greatest Gift of All.

We’re not giving up the fight anytime soon.

In fact, with Roger Hamilton on the team, we’re just getting started…

So, before we lock every docuseries we’ve ever made in our high-security value forever…

This Is Your Last Chance to Get 5 Revealed Films Docuseries, Plus $11,813 in Bonuses, for The Crazy Low Price of $197!

Take Your Pick:

Health for Life


Gold Package

  • GMO’s Revealed ($397 value)
  • Psychedelics Revealed ($397 value)
  • Answer to Cancer ($397 value)
  • Pain Revealed ($397 value)
  • Supplements ($225 value)
You Pay $197

Wealth Legacy


Gold Package

  • Money 22 ($397 value)
  • Crypto Revealed ($397 value)
  • Hacking Real Estate ($397 value)
  • Crisis Investing ($397 value)
  • Paycheck Solution ($397 value)
  • Supplements ($225 value)
You Pay $197